Technical and software documentation for biologists and medical scientists are frequently distributed in English. IMPROVENCE can correct or translate their content before distribution.
Technical documentation
IMPROVENCE offers its services to translate or correct technical documents intended for scientists, such as:
-Documents for users of equipment in research technical facilities (“User’s Manual”)
-Translation of technical protocols or documents from equipment suppliers
-Instructions and diverse posters
Software interfaces
Flawless written English is an important factor in the success of a software program, and it should not be neglected.
IMPROVENCE has already helped programmers and research scientists check the English text of their software while still in its rough draft form.
For example, the SeedUSoon software (designed for plant biologists) has already benefited twice from our services: for the correction of its software interface, as well as the accompanying peer-reviewed article.
Depending on the project progress and its confidentiality, the corrections can be made from screenshots, rough drafts, installed versions of the software, or even during an on-site visit.
Contact us today to discuss your needs!